Page 7 - Robeson Living Winter2019
P. 7

Well pumping out clean water for villagers          Rhiannon with a grandmother we help support
          mony of how God began this project. We are hoping to pur-  Any donations will be appreciated and will help spread the
          chase some furniture while we are in Rwanda.          Gospel  of  Jesus  Christ  through  our  ministry  in  Rwanda.
                                                                You may drop off your donations at SEARS Home Store
          We will be holding several children’s crusades and feeding   in Dunn, NC.
          programs while we are there in December. The amount that
          we are able to do will be determined by the donations that
          we receive. We will be distributing shoes for the children
          at these crusades.

          Nine people will be accompanying us on this trip. The fol-
          lowing donations are needed.
          -Financial donations for food in Children’s crusade.
          -Money for eight more sewing machines at $100 each for a
          class in a new location.
          -Pencils, Pens, Book Bags
          -Money to purchase furniture.
          -Money to purchase Bibles in Kinyarwanda language.

                                                  Launching of
                                                  the well
                                                  God used
                                                  Danette and
                                                  Shelton to
                                                  raise funds
                                                  to repair
                                                  2 wells in
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