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The Wonder of the Nativity

                                    Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 11 am - 8:30 pm

                                    Saturday, Dec. 16, 2017 11 am - 2 pm

          Chestnut  Street  United  Methodist  Church  presents  its  United  Methodist  Church.    Each  year  25-30  Nativities  are
          fourth annual Nativity exhibit on December 15 and 16,  on display in the church sanctuary for the public to enjoy.
          2017.   This display is a gift to the community with no  Individuals and churches from Lumberton and surrounding
          tickets required and no admission charged.  All are invit-  towns share their collections for this event.  The Nativities
          ed to come and spend time reflecting on the Christmas  are unique and come with fascinating stories. Whether it was
          season.                                             passed down through the family, purchased on trips abroad,
                                                              purchased one piece each year, or handmade by the owner,
          Representing the Nativity is a seasonal tradition  that  each Nativity reflects its own beauty and meaning.
          spans centuries.   St. Francis of Assisi  is credited  with
          creating the first Nativity scene in 1223 in Greccio, It-  In past years, Nativities on display have been made of mar-
          aly.  His goal was to emphasize the worship of Christ  ble, ebony, stained glass, Paper Mache, seashells, empty dish-
          at Christmas rather than the secular materialism and gift  washing detergent bottles,  feathers,  nails, punched tin, and
          giving. In the biography Life of St. Francis of Assisi, cir-  ceramics. This year there will be a Nativity made from blown
          ca 1260, St. Bonaventure described the Nativity scene  eggs.   Some sets are small enough to hold in the palm of your
          created by St. Francis.   Staged in a cave near Greccio, St.  hand, and one set has 150 pieces.
          Francis’s Nativity was a living display with humans and
          animals cast in Biblical roles.  Pope Honorius III gave his  On Friday night, the woodwind ensemble, Belle Venti, will
          blessing to the exhibit.                            provide music. Additionally, the Purple Door Carolers plan to
                                                              return this year to share songs of the season.
          These Christmas productions became  hugely popular
          and spread throughout Christendom.  Over the next 100  From the humblest to the most elaborate, each Nativity sepa-
          years, every church in Italy was expected to have a Nativ-  rately, and all collected together, remind us of the true glory
          ity scene at Christmastime.  Eventually, statues replaced  of the season.
          human and animal participants, and static scenes grew
          to elaborate affairs with richly robed figurines placed in  Chestnut Street United Methodist Church is known locally as
          intricate landscape settings. Charles III, King of the Two  “the Mother Church of Lumberton” because of its long his-
          Sicilies, collected such elaborate scenes, and his enthusi-  tory in Lumberton.  From a small cabin on Water Street in
          asm encouraged others to do the same.               the 1800’s to its present location at Eighth and Chestnut, the
                                                              church has served.  Once again, Chestnut Street United Meth-
          Many centuries have passed, and Christian churches con-  odist Church is delighted to draw the community together for
          tinue  to  honor this  tradition,  including  Chestnut  Street  this Christmas event.
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