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Ida instructing students in her
          New York apartment
                     Dreams in Flight

                 By K. Blake Tyner, MLS

          One thing connected the Wright brothers, Orville and Wil- North Carolina, was the keynote speaker for the celebration.
          ber, to Ida Van Smith and that was the desire to fly – to soar  Standing alongside Orville Wright, McLean spoke of how
          with the birds. North Carolina has always felt a sense of  important the event a quarter of a century earlier had been to
          pride that the Wright brothers choose the Outer Banks to  the citizens of the state.
          make their first flight a reality.
                                                               “The people  of North Carolina, for whom I speak today,
          Robeson county’s native son, Gov. Angus Wilton McLean  are by no means unmindful or unappreciative of the honor
          participated in the 25th anniversary of the Wright Broth- which has come to them by reason of the events occurring
          ers’ flight with the unveiling of a 6-foot memorial on Dec.  here when Orville and Wilber Wright sought seclusion on
          17, 1928.  The memorial, costing $2,500, was craved to  this remote island and began the experiments which resulted
          resemble  a  boulder  and  was  engraved  with  a  fitting  in- in giving to mankind a new agency of transportation.”
                                                               “We are happy in the thought that one of these distinguished
           “The First Successful Flight of an airplane was made   brothers, Mr. Orville Wright, is present today to witness
           from this spot by Orville Wright December 17, 1903 in   these exercises, commemorating the courage, the skill and
            a machine designed and built by Wilber and Orville   the ingenuity of his brother and himself.  Their achievement
                                Wright.”                       has added two names to the long list of great American pio-
          McLean, then in the last year of his term as governor of                   Robeson Living ~ Summer 2018
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