Page 7 - Harnett Life Fall 2018
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project.                                              advancing  healthcare  in  Harnett  County  and,  of  course,
                                                                southern charm.” There will be a catered buffet meal fol-
          “The core of the program” is how Mr. Lloyd describes the   lowed by music from Paige Johnson & friends, and The
          white coat clad, or scrub adorned teddys, but he has hopes   Outskirts Band. Tickets can be purchased at Johnson Prop-
          of a possible expansion of the theme. “We can really ex-  erties in Angier, or at the Harnett Health Foundation of-
          pand this into something bigger,” he said. Anything bear   fice  at  Central  Harnett  Hospital  or  online  at  (www.bless
          – related could be developed: picture a Healthcare Bear
          mascot making rounds with a doctor. “We could really
          branch off into all kinds of things,” he said, mentioning   For these annual events, the objective is simply to exceed
          maybe extending the branding to gummy bears. “People   the proceeds of the previous year. Mr. Lloyd said there is
          can get really inventive on what they want to do.”    no set goal; the Foundation strives to do “As much as we
                                                                possibly can.” There is a goal however, to create what he
          The annual Golf Tournament and “Bless Your Heart” Din-  calls “The 250 Club” where the Foundation has at least 250
          ner & Show are the two primary events for the Founda-  people and/or groups to raise $1,000 each. The “250” could
          tion, so the aspiration for the Healthcare Bears is to grow   be individuals, churches, businesses, or civic organizations.
          and become an integral part of the Foundation’s yearly   Once the thousand dollars is collected, those funds can be
          endeavors.                                            earmarked specifically to go towards the Healthcare Bears
                                                                program. “The goal is not to have everybody do one bear…
          The Golf Tournament, held in June, raised approximate-  we would like for people to raise $100, $500, $1,000,” Mr.
          ly $61,000 this year according to an article in The Daily   Lloyd said.
          Record. Mr. Lloyd said the Foundation plans to use some
          of the money from this Teddy Bear Drive, in addition to   The  new  website  allows  an
          funds raised from the Golf Tournament, to be put towards   individualized campaign page to be created, and then others
          the creation of a community clinic in Lillington in part-  would be able to make donations through that page. There
          nership with Campbell University, but funds would also   are of course, other uses for the donations as well. “The 250
          be used for the other multiple projects the Foundation is   Club” concept applies here if for example, a sponsor wishes
          involved in each year.                                to begin putting aside funds toward the naming rights for
                                                                hospital or emergency department rooms, specific portions
          The Third Annual  “Bless Your  Heart”  Dinner  &  Show   of the hospital, or naming rights for the hospital itself. The
          will be held in Angier on October 12th at 6:30pm, Oc-  individualized pages could be used for sponsors who may
          tober 13th at 6:00pm, and October 14th at 1:00pm. The   want to give a set amount of money each month. Mr. Lloyd
          event started in 2016, inspired by “the love we have for   said the campaign pages “will have a bigger impact” in the
                                                                                  sense  that  people  can  see  the  differ-
                                                                                  ent donation options they have, which
                                                                                  may take pressure off of someone who
                                                                                  wants to help, but may not know how
                                                                                  to get started – the multiple donation
                                                                                  options allow flexibility and make the
                                                                                  process more accessible.
                                                                                  Prominent  sponsors  for  the  Harnett
                                                                                  Healthcare Bears include First Federal
                                                                                  Bank, Coats Pharmacy & Angier Fami-
                                                                                  ly Pharmacy, and Campbell University
                                                                                  medical students as well.

                                                                                  The First Federal Bank CEO Jeff Whit-
                                                                                  tington has partnered with the Health-
                                                                                  care  Bears  program  in  that  if  a  bank
                                                                                  customer  chooses to sponsor a bear
                                                                                  in one of their branches, the bank will
                                                                                  match it, so two bears will be donated.

          Harnett Life ~ Fall 2018                                                                            Page 7
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