Page 16 - Robeson Living Fall 2018
P. 16

By: Dr. Veronica L. Hardy
                                             Confronting Financial


                                                Time to Make a Plan

          As we transition through life, we come contact with many   six months of your expenses during periods of job loss or
          financial spending temptations along the way.  Gossip-ori-  lay off.
          ented literature crowds the magazine racks at store check-
          out lines in hopes that you will make a spur-of-the-moment   2.  Monitor Your Spending
          purchase.  Pop-up ads fill the screen as you log on to the in-  Become familiar with your spending habits. You can do
          ternet. College students are flooded with credit card applica-  this by using the next 30-day period to record your spend-
          tions as they enter the middle ground between adolescence   ing in a financial journal. This will enable you to recognize
          and adulthood. The newest, better, and must-have product   the necessary versus wasteful spending. In addition, seek
          consumes television commercials during holiday seasons.   to carry cash rather than credit cards. We may be less likely
          How often do we make impulse purchases based on what   to spend when we can see the dollar bills are dwindling.
          we want versus what we actually need? I confess, I have   This helps to decrease the temptation of making impulse
          done so (and still do from time to time). Yet, keeping our   purchases that increase your credit card debt.
          finances in order is necessary for both the present and the
          future. Therefore, it is important to be aware of our financial   3.  Consider Your Family
          standing and take steps toward the feeling of security. As a   Participate in steps that will protect your family such as
          result, it would be beneficial to create a plan, monitor your   obtaining important forms of insurance (i.e. health and life
          spending, and consider your family.                    insurances).  If you have children with a goal to attend
                                                                 college, explore funding options that gain interest that will
          1.  Create a Plan                                      contribute to the college fund. Also, begin teaching your
          Explore your financial goals and develop a budget. If nec-  children the basics of money management as soon as pos-
          essary, obtain a financial planner or consultant to help you   sible.
          better understand your full financial picture and identify in-
          vestment options you may not have been aware of before.    Overall, financial planning for the future helps to decrease
          Next, be sure to take full advantage of financial opportuni-  stress during periods of emergency. Taking time to imple-
          ties your job may offer such as retirement plans. Be sure to
          meet with human resource personnel to explore the options   ment these steps now may be a great benefit for both your-
          that may be available. Finally, to the best of your ability,   self and your loved ones. Therefore, begin creating your
          have an emergency fund that would be able to cover at least   plan.
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