Page 18 - Robeson Living Fall 2018
P. 18

Enjoy Your


                                                                             Reduce the


                            By: Dr. Veronica L. Hardy

          It is 6:30 a.m. when the first jingle from your alarm clock  stress level. In contrast, giving yourself a few words of en-
          sounds. You hit the snooze button for your habitual 10-min- couragement through positive statements may help lower
          ute hiatus back into sleep. When the alarm sounds again  your stress. For example, “I will,” “I can,” and “I believe.”
          at 6:40 a.m. you transition from your comfortable position  Why not give yourself a boost each day through positive
          to the shower. Your life at the moment is on a timer and  self-talk? This can take some practice, but it is well worth
          there are no minutes left to spare. You enjoy a shower, dry  the effort.
          your hair, drink a quick glass of orange juice, grab an ener-
          gy bar and head out the door. You travel through your day  Stress Busting Tip #2: Learn a relaxation technique.
          fulfilling work responsibilities, squeezing errands in during  After journeying through your day, take a few moments to
          your lunch break, handling family commitments, flowing  relax. For example, deep breathing from the abdomen rath-
          through traffic … It is 6:30 a.m. when …              er than shallow breathing from the chest or noticing tense
                                                                body parts and relaxing them (especially those raised eye-
          Although this scenario can play out differently in each per- brows and clenched jaw!). There are many other ways to
          son’s life, we may all be able to relate. As people who are  relax such as a warm bath or listening to soothing music.
          on the go in an effort to respond to life demands, caring for  Overall, you will have to find that special technique that
          oneself may be lost by the wayside. Yet, the hidden danger  works best for you.
          of this lifestyle is a six-letter word – “stress.”  The effects
          of stress often go unnoticed until challenges such as health  Stress Busting Tip #3: Un-trouble your mind.
          problems, relationship difficulties, or an irritable mood oc- This simply means writing down your thoughts and respon-
          cur. Did you know that approximately 75-90% of doctor  sibilities, so your brain does not have to store it for you.
          visits are due to stress-related symptoms? So, in order to  Keep in mind that part of the brain’s job is to “remember,”
          stay within the flow of life and be the best you can for your- therefore it is working to keep you alert about your tasks
          self and those around you, I suggest placing yourself as a  (even when you are trying to sleep). Yet, if you write this
          priority on your list of things to do. How? Well, you can  information in a journal or a to-do list then your brain can
          start right now by practicing these three stress busting tips.  take a break (and so can you).

          Stress Busting Tip #1: Pay attention to your self-talk.  As you can see, these are simple steps you can take to re-
          Self-talk consists of those messages we send to ourselves  duce your stress level and begin living a healthier lifestyle.
          throughout  the  day.  Negative  self-talk  often  begins  with  It is time to gain control over that six-letter word (stress)
          phrases such as: “I can’t,” “It is too hard,” and “I’m not  and enjoying life to the fullest.
          good enough.” Statements such as these can increase your

          Page 18                                                                          Robeson Living ~ Fall 2018
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